Our customer's growth abroad is our motivation since 2001.
Leticia Pulido Alvaradowas educated bilingual in Spain, finished her school education with the German and Spanish A-levels and started her international business administration studies afterwards in Madrid and Münster. In 1996 she did not only obtain a double business degree from the Spanish and German university, but also the high appreciated DAAD price (German Academic Exchange Institution) for "excellent achievements of international students in Germany".
After her studies, she worked for several years in the oversea export department of the multinational company CLAAS KGaA mbH, where she was especially responsible, apart from some Asatic and North African countries, fort the Latin American countries. In 2001 she founded LPA & Partner with CLAAS as her first major customer who until today increasingly uses theservicesof LPA & Partner.
Since the foundation in 2001 many companies of different size and products used theservicesof LPA & Partner. Apart fromtranslationsof the companies documents,services to the international customers, also the search for suitable international business partners for your company is one of LPA & Partners major service.
Through profoundmarket researchand a professional market cultivation, the customers of LPA & Partner were able to expand successfully into international markets.
Top clients
Extract of other projects
AFO (Arbeitsstelle Forschungstransfer)- Innovation office of the Westfälischen Wilhelms University Münster
Andrä AG - Software developer for the Enterprise Translation Management (ETM)
ARTLINE- Importer of floristic, art and decorations products
BELITEC (Hartmann asytec GmbH & Co. KG) - Developer of foldaway bed systems
Campari Gruppe- Worldwide producer of premium beverages
Carbo Tex GmbH- Developer of activated carbon pearls
Conzept 3- Specialist for event management and public relations
Diego Zamora SA- International exporter of premium wine and liqueur
drapilux(Schmitz Werke GmbH & Co. KG) - Producer of innovative decoration textile
Extenda SA- Spanish consultancy for international expansion
Ibermodul SA- Spanish producer of innovative office furniture
Krone Holding SE & Co. KG- Worldwide producer of agricultural and commercial machinery
Laurèl GmbH - Internationally operating fashion company
OASE GmbH - Developer and designer of aquatic products and concepts
STAR AG- Software developer for global information management