We want to achieve customer bonding and therefore take special care after your customers here in Germany.
Usually you do not have the necessary human resources or corporate structure at your disposal in the target market as you have in your headquarter. Due to that reason, it is even more important that your distribution partners identify themselves with the brand and products. To increase customer bonding and demonstrate appreciation of your new business partners it is essential to invite them regularly to formations and workshops into the headquarters or other representative sites. LPA & Partner takes the responsibility of organising the programme for your customers during their stay, taking into consideration the cultural differences. Moreover, we take care after your guests so that they feel totally welcome and enjoy their stay.
We help you to organize workshops in Spanish, English or German and if it is of your interest, we also organize everything for a perfect multicultural event.
Our offices are based in Münster (Germany), the city with the highest quality of life worldwide according to the international LivCom-Award 2004.
This historical city offers a variety of possibilities that turns every visit into an unforgettable experience. Therefore, Münster is the perfect place to start business with Germany and central Europe.